What Types Of Fees Should You Be Paying Your Property Management Company?

When deciding what property management company to choose, it’s important to know all about the company you’d like to hire and their policies. Do you pay your property management company a flat fee, a percentage, or pay per project?


PPMI is a property management company based in Baltimore.

We are a company that was established in 2007 and have been happily serving the Greater Baltimore area. We not only provide service to property managers, but also work with renovation services, handyman services, tenant placement, real estate property sales, and investor consultants to ensure that each property manager has only the best at their disposal. Our main goal is to ensure you have hassle-free management of your properties.

How to decide if hiring a property management company for a flat fee or percentage is right for you

Hiring a property management company should aid in increasing your revenue and not draining it. You have to find a payment plan that works best for you. Does your property management charge a flat fee percentage? Do you want to switch to pay a percentage of monthly rent? PPMI is flexible and has options for you, the landlord.

PPMI offers three different types of fees and rates:

  1. Percentage of monthly rent: If hired on a full-service basis, the cost would be more beneficial for you as a percentage of the monthly rent per your properties. This allows you the flexibility that if there’s a period with less tenants, you’ll only be paying a small percentage instead of paying property management a flat fee percentage.
  2. Flat fee per month: If you are the landlord of several buildings or larger buildings, we recommend the flat fee option. If mother nature happens and more maintenance than usual needs to be done, you already know what you’ll pay that month for the services because of your flat fee payment arrangement.
  3. Per Project Fee: If you’d only like to use our services for maintenance, then the per-project fee is the best option for you. With several handymen at our disposal, you could have a variety of services done to your property and pay only by what projects have been completed and agreed upon.

Contact PPMI today and let our services be your services. We can be your property management company for a flat fee percentage or per-project fee. Let’s find an option that fits your needs best.

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Premier Property is dedicated to providing the very best property management services in Baltimore City, County and surrounding communities.